Saturday, December 8, 2012

Chinese Sundays.

As so many people know, China isn't exactly known for it's large Christian population. Many people from older generations might not even know who/what Christ is at all. It's so strange to me.

Anyway, It makes for interesting Sundays.

First we have to understand what a normal Sunday is like for me back at home.

I wake up. Go to church for three hours. Come home. Have dinner with my family. And then often times there is another meeting, or devotional, or fireside that I would go to that evening. Overall I usually stay kind of busy on Sundays. But not a bad sort of busy. A good, spiritually productive sort of busy.

Here in China, I wake up at 6:30 in the morning. Take a 15 minute walk to the bus station. An hour long bus ride. Switch to another bus. Another 45 minute bus ride. And then another 15 minute walk to the tiny little apartment that we all cram into, led by a 23 year old guy. We sing a song. Pass the sacrament, and then listen over Skype to the Branch who meets about 2 hours away from us. Then we have a 30ish minute Relief Society/Preisthood/Sunday school lesson. (There is about 45 girls and 2 guys..). Then we take the long journey back home. Where I usually have lunch/dinner, which is nothing close to what a meal should be. Then I try and find ways to fill in the rest of the time with good uplifting things instead of just sitting on the computer all day.

And then, if no one else in my apartment wants to go, I can't go. Can't travel alone, it's against the companies rules.

All in all, I really miss Sundays in America. I miss getting dressed up and feeling pretty. I miss going to church for three hours and coming home feeling spiritually uplifted. I miss having priesthood holders all around me. I miss the time I get to spend with my family on Sundays. I miss going to church in Rexburg, seeing hundreds of young adults making their way to their meeting spots. I miss the way that it is just so easy to feel the spirit there. Here, I have to try a lot harder.

I am grateful that I even have a chance to take the sacrament here in China! I have gained such a deeper appreciation for it since I've been here. It is worth the 2 hour journey.

Anyway, I just love the gospel. I love my savior. I love my Heavenly Father. I'm so grateful that I can talk to him whenever I need. And I need to SO often. I can't wait for these people in China to have the opportunity to know Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ like I do. And I can't wait to be back in a land where the fullness of the gospel is everywhere!

Have an awesome Sunday everyone!


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