Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Second Chance at Hong Kong

The first time I came to Hong Kong, I left hating it.

It was crowded, I had to drag all my luggage around with 50 other girls, and I didn't even get to anything because my flights got messed up.

However, my opinion on Hong Kong has changed drastically in the last 4 days.

My ever so kind Aunt and Uncle were nice enough to let me stay with them along with 2 of my friends. They have been so great to us and have helped us learn to love this city. But I can't decide what I have loved more...the actual city, or spending time in my Aunt and Uncles home. I think it was a big fat tie. This city is AMAZING. I feel like I am living in the future at times. I am pretty sure that everything in this city is connected by some sky bridge, or underground thing, or something. The buildings are incredible. Some are obviously extremely tall and you will see random roads or elevated train tracks just weaving in between the buildings above you.

We were able to just wander the streets, do some shopping, and we got to visit Victoria's peak with my Uncle. We had a ton of fun walking around the peak, and then we were lucky enough to eat at Bubba Gump while overlooking the city at night. It was literally spectacular.

My aunt and uncle have been so kind. They not only let us stay here, but they fed us! They fed us real American food. I got to eat cereal, milk, cheese, carmels, yogurt, strawberry jam, potatoes, ham, the list goes on. All of which I have not eaten since august! And they have a shower that is actually a shower, not just a sprinkler on the wall of the bathroom. And I didn't have to wear shower shoes. And I have a bed that doesn't sink in, and they have couches that aren't wood, and they have a washer...and a DRYER! I feel like I'm in Heaven. And my Aunt and Uncle are the angels.

Sidenote: I GO HOME TOMORROW. Yes. That is correct. I am waking up and going to the airport. Am I excited? More than you know. Am I showing it....? No. Why? Because it is 1 in the morning and I'm so tired. I can't wait to wake up!!!!! :)



Friday, December 14, 2012


The last few days have been incredibly strange. It has seriously been a roller coaster of emotions.

There has been a lot to do and a lot to think about.

But mostly I think about two things. Leaving China and Going Home.

These are some of the things that I'm going to miss:

  • Da Fu Yen. 
  • Motor Taxi Rides
  • Feeling like a celebrity
  • The little noodle shops
  • 3 Dollar hair-washes
  • Oolang Smoothies
  • Madeli Bakery
  • The cheapness of everything
  • Sky train rides
  • Playing charades with everyone
  • Eating peanut butter with everything
  • Having so much time to do whatever the heck I want
  • Waking up to Chinese children's music everyday. "Wo shi baba, wo shi hua shu!!!"
  • Listening to the children sing their national anthem. It really is just adorable.
  • Being able to say whatever I want, wherever I want, because no one understands what I'm saying.
  • Kelly. I know she isn't a thing, but I will miss her.

Leaving China is a tender topic for me at the moment. I just recently said goodbye to 50 children. 50 children who have literally changed my life. I could easily tell you about each one of them, who their friends are, what their favorite color is, what they like to do, how they think, and how much I absolutely adore them. Saying goodbye to them was literally the hardest thing I've had to do in a while.

Little tender moment's throughout the whole week have cause me to let the tears come streaming down.

The moment that I told you about earlier, with precious little Oscar.
Then there is the time when we were all standing behind our classes during opening and I look over and see
 Megan just break down. A lot of the children noticed and I could just see the concern on their faces. Concern that only comes from love. The children really do love us. That made me shed a few tears.
Another time was when I went to Owen's house for a home visit. I walked into their tiny little apartment and I was immediately humbled. It was not what most people picture as an ideal home. It was tiny. It was cold. It was cluttered. It was falling apart. But it was happy. I could feel the love that Owen's parents had for him. All they want is to give that little boy a good life. They explained to us that they have seen a big change in Owen since the beginning of this semester. They said that Owen has been very sad because he knows we are leaving and he doesn't want us to go. He loves us because we play with him. Such a simple thing, but they said that it is because we have taken the time to play with him that he has become more confident and outgoing. They couldn't stop thanking us. I am so grateful that I have been able to be a part in changing a child's life.
The next time was yesterday when Vivian was sitting on my lap. She put a sticker on my hand, like she always does. She laughed her little scrunchy faced laugh and I realized that I only have so many more chances to hear her laugh. I kind of lost it then. I held her and cried a good cry. She let me just hug her for a while and then she looked at me and said, "Teacha Kambrie, No!" as if she was the mature one telling me to suck it up and take it like a man. hahaha. I love her so much.
Yesterday when Andrea, Kenna, and Megan left for Thailand. We were at the bottom of the stairs next to our kids classrooms. The girls had some last minute Taobao stuff come in and so we were hurrying to shove them into their suitcases so we could run to their bus! As we were stuffing, we saw about 20 little head's pop out of the door. "Teacha! Teacha! I love you. Don't leave. I miss you!" We waved at them and told them we loved them! We were in a hurry so we didn't think we should start another hug fest. However, before we new it, ALL of the students come charging after us. They attack us with hugs and kisses and "I love you's." Some of them were literally sobbing because they really didn't want us to leave. They understand that they will never see us again. Anyway, they wanted to help us. All of them shoved us aside and grabbed a suitcase.  We would try to help them and they would just say, "Teacha, you no help me. I help you." They are such good little kids. They walked us all the way to the gate and wished us on our ways. It was absolutely adorable.
Today Jerry, precious little no-teethed Jerry, just melted my heart. Time after time. He would come up to me and give me the best hugs, grab my face and look into my eyes and say, "Teacha Kambrie I love you." He would just hold my face and smile his innocent, kind smile. "I will miss you Teacha." Love him.
The students surprised us today by bringing us cake and teats. A lot of them drew us pictures or wrote their phone numbers for us. "Teacha, this is my mommies number. This is my daddies number. I want you're number. I call you tomorrow!" So now I have a stack of pictures, and phone numbers to take home with me!
Then came the time when I had my last homeroom class. This was killer. With all of my little blue class sitting around me, we just had so much fun! I took pictures of them being their silly little chinese selves, and then I took a video of them saying hello to my family! And then I started counting their tokens. "1, 2(sniff, sniff), 3(sniff), 4...." I just couldn't take it. Tears came streaming out and I just looked at them and wanted so badly for them to be able to just feel my love for them. They all got up and came and gave me a huge group hug. They would rub my face and try to wipe away my tears. They would turn my head so they could look at my eyes and give me a "Happy Face!". They would pat my shoulders. And they would tell me they will miss me, and that they love me. I'm telling you. Nothing feels better than feeling loved my children. NOTHING. It is so great.
Lastly, the actual moment when I literally had to walk away and leave them. They were all getting settled into their beds to take their afternoon naps. I opened the door. As soon as I did they all stood up on their beds and started SCREAMING, "TEACHA I LOVE YOU! GOODBYE! I MISS YOU!" It was so powerful. I just waved at them and blew them thousands of kisses. And then I left. I shut the door and walked away. Up the stairs. To my room. Shut the door. The tears came again. For a long time I just sat there and cried. Until I was all out of tears to cry.

I just wish I could take a piece of what I'm feeling in my heart and post it on this blog for you all to feel. I wish I could take a little piece of each on of the children's hearts so you could know them, and how good they are.

I love them so much. I miss them already.

Good thing in five days I will be seeing some people that I have been missing for four months.


Tomorrow is Hong Kong. I have four days there with my Aunt and Uncle. I am so excited to see them and be able to spend some time with them. And then, it is homeward bound for me.

Hello Family. Hello Christmas. Hello bed. Hello food. Hello P90X....haha


Peace out China.

-Teacher Kambrie.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Beginning of the End.


I have exactly 1 week left in China.

Not sure what to think about all of it. I'm absolutely devastated, and completely ecstatic all at the same time.

Every time I see my beautiful children, I just realize how I am the luckiest person ever. To have 50 children who love me, and I love them. SO MUCH.

Today they all kept saying, "Teacha, no go home!" If that doesn't pull on your heartstrings I don't know what will. It's one thing having to say goodbye to them, but it's a whole other thing when they say goodbye to you.

Today as I was leaving the class room, I did my usual "Goodbye everyone! I will see you tomorrow!" And then they all reply, "Goodbye teacha Kangry. See you tomorrow!" Except I glanced over at my little Oscar and heard him say, "Teacher, no tomorrow. No tomorrow!!" So I stopped. Could he actually be saying that he wasn't going to be there tomorrow?! So I ran to the Chinese teacher and asked her if today was the last time I would see him and she gave me the answer that I didn't ever want to here.

I ran over to him and pulled him out of his chair and gave him the biggest hug. And he hugged me back. And then I just started sobbing. In fact, the tears are trying to stream down my eyes right at this very moment. I pulled him back and said, "Oscar. I will never see you again. I will miss you SO much!" He replied with the most precious little voice saying, "Goodbye teacha Kambrie. I love you." And then I gave him another giant hug as the tears kept rolling down my cheeks. I told him how much I loved him and gave him a kiss. If only he knew just how much I love him. Then I had to run out of the room. I couldn't handle seeing all of the kids. Because when I look at them now, I just know that I only have so many more days to see those beautiful little faces. Those brown eyes. Those big smiles. Their crazy outfits. And only so many more days to hear their precious little voices saying the funniest things.

Ah. I don't know how I am going to get through Friday. It will be a miracle.

The one thing that is helping me get through it is that I know I have 4 adorable little faces waiting for me at home. Braelund. Landon. Paige. Karter! Aunt Kambrie will see you soon!!!


Saturday, December 8, 2012

Chinese Sundays.

As so many people know, China isn't exactly known for it's large Christian population. Many people from older generations might not even know who/what Christ is at all. It's so strange to me.

Anyway, It makes for interesting Sundays.

First we have to understand what a normal Sunday is like for me back at home.

I wake up. Go to church for three hours. Come home. Have dinner with my family. And then often times there is another meeting, or devotional, or fireside that I would go to that evening. Overall I usually stay kind of busy on Sundays. But not a bad sort of busy. A good, spiritually productive sort of busy.

Here in China, I wake up at 6:30 in the morning. Take a 15 minute walk to the bus station. An hour long bus ride. Switch to another bus. Another 45 minute bus ride. And then another 15 minute walk to the tiny little apartment that we all cram into, led by a 23 year old guy. We sing a song. Pass the sacrament, and then listen over Skype to the Branch who meets about 2 hours away from us. Then we have a 30ish minute Relief Society/Preisthood/Sunday school lesson. (There is about 45 girls and 2 guys..). Then we take the long journey back home. Where I usually have lunch/dinner, which is nothing close to what a meal should be. Then I try and find ways to fill in the rest of the time with good uplifting things instead of just sitting on the computer all day.

And then, if no one else in my apartment wants to go, I can't go. Can't travel alone, it's against the companies rules.

All in all, I really miss Sundays in America. I miss getting dressed up and feeling pretty. I miss going to church for three hours and coming home feeling spiritually uplifted. I miss having priesthood holders all around me. I miss the time I get to spend with my family on Sundays. I miss going to church in Rexburg, seeing hundreds of young adults making their way to their meeting spots. I miss the way that it is just so easy to feel the spirit there. Here, I have to try a lot harder.

I am grateful that I even have a chance to take the sacrament here in China! I have gained such a deeper appreciation for it since I've been here. It is worth the 2 hour journey.

Anyway, I just love the gospel. I love my savior. I love my Heavenly Father. I'm so grateful that I can talk to him whenever I need. And I need to SO often. I can't wait for these people in China to have the opportunity to know Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ like I do. And I can't wait to be back in a land where the fullness of the gospel is everywhere!

Have an awesome Sunday everyone!


Sunday, December 2, 2012

17 Days Left. WHAT?

As I tore off another day on my paper countdown chain, I realized that it was getting pretty small.

17 DAYS.


I really can't believe it...

My day has consisted of 5 things:

My bed.
Mormon Messages.
Les Mis.
My own thoughts.

I know. My life is awesome. I find days in China often turn out to be like this. Sometimes (actually most times) I absolutely hate it. I am in CHINA! I need to be out exploring every second I can, right?

Well then I get to thinking, as I often do, and in exactly 18 days I will not have the luxury of thinking to myself, while watching Les Mis, while eating potatoes, while sitting on my bed. I won't have the time to just relax and think and ponder things to this extent. So you can bet you're bottom dollar that I am going to enjoy it while I have it.

Sidenote: I am BEYOND excited to see the new Le Mis movie. Yes I did use all caps and bold. That's how serious I am.

Anyway. My time here in China is quickly coming to an end. It's a weird feeling. I now have a small idea of how strange and hard it is for missionaries to go home. Having to face the world again, and leaving behind a world that you have grown to love so much. There are some people who I will miss dearly. Like Kelly.

I don't know if I've told you about Kelly much, but let me tell you now. Kelly has made my experience in China better than I could have ever hoped for. Kelly is our Chinese coordinator. Aka: Our translator, our little chinese helper, our Taobao order'er, our train ticket buyer, our travel guide, and so much more.  But out of all of these things, the best part about her is the way she just befriended us and makes us feel welcome! She always knows how to make us laugh, to keep our spirits up when we get down, and she is always there for us! I seriously owe so much to her. She is so great.

I am going to miss all of the cute adorable Chinese teachers at Ming De. They have been so kind to us. Whether it's inviting us over to their house for the weekend, or making us lunch when we can't face the fish again. They are so great! Katie, Lulu, Judy, Milly, and Q-Bi. I love all of them!

I am going to miss the beautiful girls I have been so blessed to share this experience with. Maddie, Andrea, Megan, Rachel, Makenna, and Dani. These girls have been so great. We have grown so much over these last 4  months and we have gone through so much together! Teaching our precious little children, traveling all over China, trying to navigate our ways around with the handful of Chinese words we sort of know, making trips to Da Fu Yen...everyday, having deep conversations on bus rides, facing the school lunches together, riding on buses packed fuller than I ever though possible, being separated on those buses and yelling to each other across the bus to figure out if we are at the right stop, making faces on our chins, preparing impromptu performances for the Mayor..., missing American men, scrunching around a little computer screen to try and watch movies, ordering way too much off taobao, going through food phases(rice cookies, A-OK smoothies, peanut butter dumplings, moon cakes, peanut butter on EVERYTHING, Oolang oreo smoothies, bran muffins, madeli), seaweed face masks, climbing stairs, and more stairs, and more stairs, living in our struggling apartment, getting eaten by mosquitoes(oh wait, that was just me..), having hopes of working out and never actually working out, feeling like movie stars everywhere we go, motor taxi rides, fancy dinners with nasty food, surviving the winter with no heater, and the heat with no AC, planning our futures, playing our ukuleles together, killing cockroaches, getting crafty, never looking good.

Needless to say, we have made a lot of memories here in China and I think I can speak for all of us when I say we are going to be sad when it's over. Love those girls.

The hardest people to leave are obviously going to be my kids. I don't even want to think about it. It makes me cry...I have so much love for all of them. All 43 of them.

Which makes me think of one quick story and then I'm done.

The other day, it was Megan's 21st birthday. So to surprise her we decorated the classroom and when she walked in all the kids were standing there to scream happy birthday and run and give her a big hug! I was on camera duty and I was taking pictures. She walked in the room and all of the kids yelled, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TEACHER MEGAN!" and then proceeded to run and give her a giant group hug. However, as I was taking pictures I noticed someone holding on to me saying, "Teacha Hangry!" I looked down, and my precious little Vivian had her arms wrapped around me tight, flashing me her scrunchy little smile, and staring at me with her big, light brown eyes! Why she ran to me instead of the birthday girl, I do not know. But I felt so loved. I love that little girl so much.

I love all of them!

Anyway. I think I will get back to my Le Mis obsession. While sitting in my cold, dark room. We don't have a heater so its always freezing. And to top it off I have to put a fan on in order to dry my clothing. SO COLD. And, my light broke yesterday so my room turns pitch black at about 6 P.M. It's the best.

Good news is that Bond bought us new comforters. So now instead of sleeping on a cold, hard bed...I get to sleep on a slightly less cold, slightly less hard bed. It's really is a blessing!

I love my life. Love this awesome adventure that Heavenly Father has allowed me to experience. And I love the lessons I've learned, and the person that I am becoming. I have a long way to go, but I am slowly getting there.

Love you all, HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
