Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Almost There.


I'm leaving in about 5 days and things are starting to feel a bit more real. There are a lot of "kind of's" floating around in my head. I'm kind of prepared, but kind of not prepared. I'm kind of nervous, but kind of not. I kind of know the girls I'm going with, but kind of don't know them at all. Luckily what I know about all of them seems pretty great so I'm not too worried about that at all!

Last week was a bit rough. I had my immunizations done and my body had a nasty reaction. The night after I got them, I couldn't sleep at all. I finally woke up and realized that I was shaking like crazy. Not just your typical "shiver cause you're cold" shaking. My whole body was going crazy. So I got out of bed and tried to kind of walk it off and take some medicine. However I could hardly even hold the glass of water without it splashing around. I started to kind of freak out because I didn't know what was going on. So I woke my parents up. By this time I just felt miserable. My whole body hurt. Luckily my dad was able to give me a blessing and I was able to relax and go to sleep. I woke up and was still very sick, but the shaking never came back. It was kind of crazy. But now I feel great. Ready to take on the world....or at least China!

[I am going to China. I still can't believe it.]

With leaving comes something I really don't enjoy. Saying goodbye. I know I'm only gone for 4 months, but a lot can happen in 4 months.

First off, I will miss my family.

I kind of love them. And by kind of, I mean I REALLY love them. My parents are two of my very best friends. All my brothers have left me for 2 years, but I've never been the one on the leaving side. So it's kind of interesting! And my little sister, well I'm really gonna miss her. She thinks I don't like her sometimes, but the truth is I think she is the coolest person in the world. And I'm not just saying that. She is my best friend no matter what!

Along with my family are my cute neices and nephews. It is these cute faces that I'm going to miss most. 





I just love these little kids SO much.


Second, I will miss my friends

My dear, dear friends. Words can't even explain. I wish I could pack them all up and take them with me!

Rachel, Liza, and Whitney. My roomies/best friends! Love them dearly. Oh so dearly. 

Jessica, Kelli, and Kaycee. My best friends since forever! I can't imagine life without them.

I've had to say goodbye to my family a lot, when my brothers all left on their missions. However, I've never had to say goodbye to my friends. And once again I realize I'm only going to be gone for 4 months. However when you consider that some of these girls I haven't even gone 2 weeks without, it's kind of a big deal! I just feel so lucky to have 6 of the best girls on earth as my best friends! 

I can't wait to bring all of these people back some Chinese yum yums!! 

China is almost here!!!!!!!!!! In fact, the next time I post on this blog will probably be from Hong Kong. So stay tuned (hahahah that made me feel like a TV announcer). But really. This blog is about to get 10 times more exciting. 




  1. love love love love love you. Be safe. Don't get lost. Don't get sick from Chinese food (the real kind). Don't fall in love and get married without inviting me. Don't forget to blog frequently. (or I will be mad.) Don't forget to pray. Don't forget to love your life. Don't forget me.

  2. ALSO HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! I couldn't think of any other way of telling you. Are you in China yet? Do you miss me? Shall we skype at some point?
